Soak and smile.
Graham looked at his phone for the sixth time in four minutes. In his jeans and t-shirt he blended into the scenery as well as the drab store-fronts; but in his mind he was dressed in neon and the passers by observed that Sheila hadn't arrived yet.
Way too much money spent on:
Currently obsessed with:
These boots are made for walking...

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies arcu dui, vel mattis arcu feugiat ac. Aenean hendrerit efficitur nunc vitae lacinia. Ut risus erat, condimentum vitae mi in, malesuada lacinia dui. Nam ultricies eget erat posuere iaculis. Nunc commodo non metus eu congue.

Sed et lorem euismod, efficitur nisl at, lacinia massa. Mauris vitae est a orci interdum aliquam at ut velit. Proin id malesuada ligula. Praesent porttitor ex convallis sapien bibendum, condimentum bibendum lectus aliquam. Pellentesque id augue dolor. Mauris vitae mi urna.

I am a strand of wheat in the vastness of the prairies.
There is something about milkshakes that soothes me.
In my daydreams I turn like a ballet dancer with such grace, my hands outstretched to feel the cool autumn air.
Motivation for the week:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies arcu dui, vel mattis arcu feugiat ac. Aenean hendrerit efficitur nunc vitae lacinia. Ut risus erat, condimentum vitae mi in, malesuada lacinia dui. Nam ultricies eget erat posuere iaculis. Nunc commodo non metus eu congue.